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Corporate Entrepreneurship(Entr 541) Question Paper

Corporate Entrepreneurship(Entr 541) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

This question paper contains six (6) questions
Attempt question 1(a) and 1(b) and any other THREE questions
Clarity of argument, and explanation with rewarded

Question One
Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow
Knowledge resources include the understanding of how to start up new organization, how to manage people and processes, how to attain growth and competitive position, and how to stage technology and new product development (Brush and Hart 2001, Wilund and Shepherd 2003). They are critical in new ventures accumulates. Both schumpter (1934 and Penraji (1959) characterized entrepreneurship, or entrepreneurial management as the understanding of new possibilities. Before a new venture begins to hire staff, purchase equipment, create alliances, or sell its products or services, the founders must brave a rationale or logic in mind for taking these steps.
The founders will have developed some understanding of the opportunity space for a competitive position in the market place that ultimately leads to such actions! Likewise, before new venture founders begin to seek or develop additional resources that will facilitate going to market or provide competitive insulation, they must have some understanding of the types and configurations of resources that the opportunity calls for. Thus, new ventures rely on whatever knowledge resources are brought to the table by the founders (Brush, Greene and Hart, 2001). In contrast, a "shoot first, aim later" approach, taking actions without sufficient knowledge about an opportunity, often results in misdirection and a waste of resources. Many of the start ups of the late 1990s and early 2000’s suffered this fate.
The accumulation of knowledge resources at its inception also lays a foundation for the new venture’s sustainability. Having accumulated knowledge through their own idiosyncratic experiences and processes, founders will have a unique view of opportunity in the market that cannot be appropriated by potential competitors. Thus, knowledge can be described using the characterizes that confer sustainable advantage (Barney 1991). The knowledge view therefore has implications not only for new venture start-up performance, but also for longer-term growth.
Are Kenyan organization firms predisposed to leverage knowledge for their corporate entrepreneurship (CE) activities? Illustrate with a practical example
What kind of knowledge resources would be needed to enter successful strategic alliance as a corporate entrepreneurship (CE) strategy for a firm
How relevant is this abstract to corporate entrepreneurship in the context of social entrepreneurship
b) Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
Three organizations designs in particular, have emerged that seem effective in reducing boundaries- the modular type, the virtual type, and the barrier-free type (Dess, Rashed, McLaughlin, and Priem 1995) while the modular and the virtual types are especially well-suited for reducing boundaries between firms (external), the barrie-free type offers a means of reducing all organizational boundaries (both external and internal). Although these three structural types are discussed separately in the following paragraphs, they should not be viewed as being naturally exclusive. Instead, they may be used in a variety of combinations to achieve boundaries designs that fit an organization’s context and style.
The modular company describes a firm that focuses on its core functional activities and out sources its component and business services requirement to outside. Its component and business services requirement to outside specialist (Quinn and Hilmer, 1994) such a design offers the dual advantages of reduced overall costs and improved flexibility by contracting with vendors who possess superior talents and resources, reducing inventory carrying cost, and avoiding excessive reliance on rapidly changing technologies. In other words, modularity allows a company to concentrate on its distinctive expertise. In its purest form, the modular structure allows a company to become an entrepreneurial hub, with full strategic control surrounded by others entrepreneurial firm (Tully, 1993)
Rigorously discern and illustrate the relevance of this excerpt to corporate entrepreneurship (CE) in Kenya and provide any relevant recommendations (10mks)

Question Two
Briefly highlight any four (4) theoretical and or conceptual framework that undergird entrepreneurship and clearly explain the framework that explains corporate entrepreneurship (CE)
Identify a firm or organization in Kenya that has recently engaged in what you consider to be corporate entrepreneurship activity and write a report on it (9mks)
By making references to any relevant theory (or framework) discuss how corporate entrepreneurship can be effectively implemented by organization you may choose a Kenyan organization as a point of reference

Question Three
In the context of CE strategy, a firm has decided to expand its operations through an acquisition. You have been approached to advice on what to be considered in order to ensure a successful acquisition. Clearly provide the required advice.
The central themes in CE are creativity and innovation
Discuss any two hindrances attempts at creativity and innovation by an employee in an organization and suggest ways or overcoming them (6mks)
By referring to any two organizational dynamics; for example, structure, culture, technology or any other, illustrate how the two (2) chosen dynamics/variables can enhance or hinder creativity and innovation; and how the situation can be improved
Explain "strategic renewal" in the context of CE

Question Four
………….. the current business climate demands that companies large or small, develop the capability to anticipate and respond to changes in their external environment. Consequently, emphasis should be placed on the application of entrepreneurship principles in an existing business through analysis of various kinds of internal ventures and multiple "external" collaborative approaches that include corporate venture capital investments, incensing and different types of alliances and formal joint ventures and other turn around strategies .
From the excerpt provided, identify and discuss any three (3) core values that should be the focus of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and explain their, practical implications to any organization of your choice in Kenya (9mks)
Explain and discuss any two (2) core theories (or models) within the field of CE. Do these theories (or model) have any relevance to contemporary CE practice and research in Kenya? Explain
Explain the meaning of ’entrepreneurial ’mindust’ and identify the inherent resistance that may counteract entrepreneurial change in organizations (6mks)

Question Five
Corporate entrepreneurship is sensitive to business live cycle (BLC), discuss this statement
Identify any four cultural and personal factors that have been identified in literature as having implications for success in entrepreneurship and critically discuss the relevance of each of these factors to corporate entrepreneurship
A company XYZ has decided to pursue (VC) investment as a CE strategy. You have been requested to provide expert advice on the strategy successfully. Provide the advice

Question Six
Write short notes on each of the following
How to succeed as an intrapreneur
Ethics in corporate entrepreneurship
Corporate entrepreneurship in Kenya
Strategic entrepreneurship (SE)
Relevance of CE to the ’new economy’

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