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Corporate And Social Entrepreneurship(Entr 541) Question Paper

Corporate And Social Entrepreneurship(Entr 541) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer Question ONE and any Other THREE Questions
Question One
Well, the inevitable is that employees will move on to pursue their
entrepreneural dreams. But organizations take advantage of the fact that
while three quarters harbor dreams of their own enterprise, most of them are
unaware of how to get there! Once organizations recognize this entrepreneural drive amongst their employees, they should also recognize the gold mine in it.
Unfortunately, most consider this drive as a major obstacle in workforce stability. Organizations don`t have to lose top performers to desire of nurturing entrepreneural dreams. Smart organizations should realize that in such dreams lies an untapped pool of initiatives. When given the opportunity within the organization itself to realize a sense of ownership and satisfaction this individuals are bound to stick around allaying HR fears of high turnover. In addition creating an environment in which creativity innovation and entrepreneural skills can be exercised would fan the individuals’ aspirations bringing out the best in them. This would reflect in their ability to perform better thereby impacting the organization positively. Some smart managers pay attention to maintaining good relations with such individuals for future references. After all, history has it that entrepreneurs are celebrated all over the world.
a) Why is it important to encourage intrapreneurship in Kenyan
organizations? (7marks)

b) "Smart managers pay attention to maintaining good relations with such individuals" Elaborate this statement. (6marks)

c) Why has there been a keen interest for intrapreneurship among employees working in already established businesses? (6marks)

d) State and explain three ways in which intrapreneurship (corporate entrepreneurship) should be enhanced in Kenya. (6marks)

Question Two
a) State and explain FIVE ways that hinders corporate entrepreneurship.

b) What is the difference between corporate entrepreneurship and social
entrepreneurship? (5marks)

c) State and explain FIVE ways in which organizations can develop an
environment which supports individuals with new ideas. (10marks)

Question Three
a) While intrapreneurship has enormous benefits, it is also inhibited by a number of drawbacks. Describe FIVE drawbacks associated with intrapreneurship development. (10marks)

b) How can a social entrepreneural culture be inculcated among Kenyans?

c) Differentiate between:
i) Market segmentation
ii) Intrapreneurship
iii) Social entrepreneurs (4marks)

Question Four
a) State and explain the impact of social entrepreneurship in Kenya.
b) The idea of "Social entrepreneurship" has just struck a responsive chord.
Why the sudden growing interest for social entrepreneurship. (10marks)
c) State FIVE factors to consider when setting up a social venture. (5marks)

Question Five
a) Discuss FIVE social enterprises that have had a positive impact on
Kenyan community. (10marks)

b) State and explain ten characteristics of a social entrepreneur. (10marks)

c) Explain the following:
i) Social innovation
ii) Philanthropy
iii) Corporate social responsibility
iv) Social venture
v) Ecology. (5marks)

Question Six
a) Explain how one can enhance a social venture. (5marks)

b) State FIVE causes of new product failure. (5marks)

c) State and explain the FOUR phases that occur for creativity to take
place. (5marks)

d) State FIVE indicators to growth of an enterprise. (5marks)

e) Briefly explain the market development strategy. (5marks)

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