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Enterprise Policy And Development(Entr 335)  Question Paper

Enterprise Policy And Development(Entr 335)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Differentiate technical assistance from financial assistance offered to micro and small enterprises.
How can one measure the success and sustainability of small enterprise programs set up in Kenya?
Define the term policy and explain the role of any four key stakeholders in the formulation and/or implementation of small enterprise development policies in Kenya.
Policy making is a continuous and compels task that crosses all levels of the sectors work. Explain the three levels of policy making.

Question Two
Explain the key tasks for design and review of policies.
What is the implementation status of credit and finance policies in Kenya?

Question Three
Discuss any one non-financial promotional programme (NFPP) in Kenya aimed at enhancing an enterprise culture, optimization and improvement of quality of small enterprises.
Explain any five barriers to small enterprise development in Kenya. (10mks)

Question Four
Briefly explain the Grameem model of lending and cite cases where it has been adopted or adopted and why?
Identify policies formulated regarding environmental management and discuss the interventions or implementation status of the policies. (10mks)

Question Five
Explain any five characteristics of a good policy.
What is the importance of a policy at the national level? (5mks)
Explain the five stage policy cycle of policy development.
Using specific examples explain one of the pillars in the vision 2030. (5mks)

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