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Entrepreneurship(Entr 032)  Question Paper

Entrepreneurship(Entr 032)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and Any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Define the following terms of entrepreneurship:-
i) Entrepreneurs
ii) Debt
iii) Motivation
iv) Business plan (8marks)
b) Outline any THREE types of entrepreneurship that exist on any locality.
c) The Government of Kenya has formulated certain policies to facilitate entrepreneurship growth in Kenya. Outline five such policies and highlight how they have assisted Kenya Entrepreneurs. (10marks)
d) Explain the realities of the following myths of entrepreneurship:-
i) Entrepreneurs are born, not made. (2marks)
ii) Entrepreneurs are gamblers (2marks)
iii) Everyone can start a business. (2marks)

Question Two
a) Various successful entrepreneurs have received awards for the
contributions they have made to the country. Discuss SIX such contributions these entrepreneurs have made. (12marks)
b) Discuss the "Business Description" component of a Business plan.

Question Three
a) You intend to start a business in your locality. Discuss the process you
would follow to start this small business. (10marks)
b) Discuss the sources of new ideas while starting a new venture. (10marks)

Question Four
a) Briefly explain the key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
b) Using relevant examples discuss the main reason why an entrepreneur
should maintain business records. (10marks)

Question Five
a) Outline the components of a business plan. (12marks)
b) Outline any FIVE limitations of using debt financing during the startup
phase of a business. (8marks)

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