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Corporate And Social Entrepreneurship (Entr 541) Question Paper

Corporate And Social Entrepreneurship (Entr 541) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and any other three questions.
Twenty years ago, if a blind person wanted to read printed text not available in Braille, depending on the help of someone else was just about the only choice. The best available technology for a blind person to read printed of a washing machine the size of a washing machine with a five figure price tag. This was unrealistic and unaffordable option for accomplishing daily tasks like browsing a newspaper or looking over a piece of mail.
The technology for creating an affordable portable machine existed. However the potential customers base blind individuals and their employer was too small to promise a traditional return on investment. As a result technology investors were unwilling to take risk to develop such a product.
Question One
Why reading for a blind person would be considered a social entrepreneurial activity as stated in the case.
(7 marks)
Why do you think many people would be unwilling to read a printed copy for a blind person?
(8 marks)
What is social innovation and how can it be enhanced.
(5 marks)
Would reading the printed copy be termed as social responsibility or social entrepreneurship? Provide the difference.
(10 marks)

Question Two
Risk taking innovation and pro-activity are key pillars to entrepreneurial development. Discuss this statement using examples of entrepreneurial firms in Kenya.
(10 marks)
Enumerate six key factors that influence social entrepreneurship in Kenya.
(12 marks)
Differentiate between:
(2 marks)

Question Three
"Once organizations recognize the entrepreneurial drive away their employees they should also recognize the gold mine in them.
Why would an entrepreneurial drive be considered as "gold mine."
Why has there been a keen interest for entrepreneurship among employees working in already established business?
(10 marks)
State and explain ways in which entrepreneurship can be inculcated in an organization.
(5 marks)

Question Four
The idea of social entrepreneurship has struck a responsive chord. Why the sudden growing interest for social entrepreneurship in Kenya.
(10 marks)
Identify and discuss barriers to creativity and innovation by Kenyan entrepreneurs.
(10 marks)
State and explain five factors that hinder corporate entrepreneurship in Kenya.
(5 marks)

Question Five
Analyze how different innovations are aligned to different marketing strategies in the marketing life cycle.
(15 marks)
While intrapreneurship has enormous benefits, it is also inhibited by a number of drawbacks. Discuss how challenges related to intrepreneurship can be overcome.
(10 marks)
State and explain five characteristics of an entrepreneur.
(5 marks)

Question Six
Identify the main components of an enterprise culture and show how each of them can developed to promote intrapreneurship in Kenya.
(15 marks)
State and explain the main causes of new product failure.
(5 marks)
Explain how one can start and enhance a social venture.
(5 marks)

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