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Technology Innovation Management (Entr 542)  Question Paper

Technology Innovation Management (Entr 542)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and any other three
Question One
Case Study
Innovation is viewed as one of the most important, if not the most important fact influencing economic progress and competitiveness, human well being, social development and organizational rivalry.
The correlation between innovativeness and the advancement of a country or region is continuously reinforced and from 1991 until 2006, the correlation has strengthened significantly. Further more it is worldwide phenomenon that new technology and the application thereof drive economic growth. Thus during the periods if strong growth, new jobs and new industries are created, when slow growth in technology occurs a lack of innovation is present and growth in the economy is also slow, therefore, a positive relation exist between innovation and economic growth.
Question One
In which ways is technological innovation an appropriate tool and vehicle for renewal of economic growth in Kenya.
(10 marks)
Discuss the various drivers of innovation in Kenyan SMMES.
(10 marks)
Evaluate what Kenya is doing to commercialize its innovation in the global market.
(10 marks)

Question Two
Discuss the commercialization process. (20 marks)

Question Three
Recommend to an organization how they can promote creativity and innovation. (20 marks)

Question Four
How can technology and innovation enhance sustainable competitive advantages for MSEs operators.
(10 marks)
Discuss the hindrances to technological transfer, outlining how many can be overcome.
(10 marks)

Question Five
With examples analyze the impact of intellectual property rights in global markets. (20 marks)

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