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Business Planning (Entr 432)  Question Paper

Business Planning (Entr 432)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One and any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) What is business planning? (3marks)
b) What is the difference between the mission statement and the vision statement of a business plan? (6marks)
c) Why should one plan when venturing into a business? (7marks)
d) Why is it important for a business owner to write a business plan?
e) Write a sample of elevator pitch. (6marks)

Question Two
a) The organization structure/management team is an important component of a good business plan. Highlight the contents of this section and demonstrate implications for each one of them. (13marks)
b) What are some of the difficulties encountered by nascent entrepreneurs when writing a business plan? (7marks)

Question Three
a) What are the front matters? List them and explain their importance in business plan. (10marks)
b) Outline FIVE critical risk factors associated with any businesses.

Question Four
Discuss the following elements as they appear in the marketing section of a
business plan. (20marks)
a) Market analysis
b) Competitive analysis
c) Customer analysis
d) Marketing objectives
e) Marketing strategy
f) Contingency strategy

Question Five
a) What do you capture under business description section of a business plan? (6marks)
b) Discuss briefly FIVE elements of milestone section of a business plan.
c) Why should a business plan have the harvesting and appendix section?

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