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Enterprise Policy And Development(Entr 335) Question Paper

Enterprise Policy And Development(Entr 335) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Define the term policy and describe six qualities of a good policy.
Explain any policy that has been formulated in Kenya to encourage entrepreneurship development.
By use of specific examples explain any two approaches uses to formulate a national strategy.
Identify a business idea originating from a policy that has been implemented in Kenya and explain the implementation status.

Question Two
Explain the "stagist approach" used for the analyzing fo the development of a policy, citing all the stages.
Environmental management is an area of concern in our country.
What policies have been developed on this area?
Explain the implementation status of the policies on environmental management.

Question Three
Policy making is a continuous and complex tasks that crosses all levels of the sectors work. Explain these levels in details.
Credit and finance policies in Kenyan are key to development of small and medium enterprises in Kenya. Highlight five policies that have been implemented in the last five years concerning this area.

Question Four
Policy documents usually contain certain standard components, which are these components.
By use of specific examples, discuss any five barriers to small scale enterprise development.

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