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Technology And Innovation B(Entr 430)  Question Paper

Technology And Innovation B(Entr 430)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer three questions from the list provided.
Question one is compulsory
Question One
Explain the following terms as used in technology.
(6 marks)
Innovation and commercialization
Technology diffusion and transfer
Live ware and system ware
Despite the importance of intellectual properties Kenya Industrial property institute continue to lament on the low uptake of IPR. Give possible reasons and remedies to this case scenario.
(10 marks)
The technology life cycle perspective has been applied to understand the dynamics and functional role of innovation in product market and industrial systems. Discuss a simplistic model of technology life cycle.
(4 marks)
Outline five policy measures suggested to improve the technological capability of Kenyan firms by sessional paper No. 2 of 2005 on development of micro and small enterprises for wealth and employment creation for poverty reduction.
(10 marks)

Question Two
While defining technology parks, discuss its significance in the development of technology among the Kenyan MSEs.
(10 marks)
Identify and explain the key barriers facing Kenyan SME in technology transfer.
(10 marks)

Question Three
What is the Schumpeterian view of innovation?
(5 marks)
Discuss five parameters that can be used to measure innovation. (5 marks)
In which ways have technology promoted the growth of youth owned enterprises in Kenya.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Outline the main domains of technology capability.
(5 marks)
Discuss seven strategies that can be employed to manage technology effectively in order to leverage on technology.
(7 marks)
From a Kenyan perspective, outline with appropriate examples eight sources of appropriate technology.

Question Five
What are the likely benefits of technology forecasts to SMEs in Kenya.

(5 marks)
Discuss the various stages in innovation process.
(5 marks)
Explain the significance of technology economic development of Kenya.
(10 marks)

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