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Entrepreneurial Behavior(Entre 336)  Question Paper

Entrepreneurial Behavior(Entre 336)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
’Entrepreneurial behavior centers on alertness to opportunity (share, 2003). However, rather than see opportunities as existing like Mt. Everest waiting to be discovered by those possessing some type of gift, it is suggested that opportunities are constructed through experience in the market, through interaction between the entrepreneur and the environment. This process could be called entrepreneurial action, constructing worthwhile opportunities for gain and acting upon them in the market. Entrepreneurial alertness begins when alert individuals identify potential opportunities requiring the formulation of a new mean-ends framework (share, 2003). The task then is to explore the specifics of entrepreneurial action, more commonly described as entrepreneurial behavior."
a) What is entrepreneurial behavior? (5marks)

b) Discuss five characteristics of entrepreneurs as demonstrated in the
case. (5marks)

c) Based on the arguments by share (2003) discuss the entrepreneurial
process. (10marks)

d) Identify and discuss two entrepreneurial theories supporting the
argument by share. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Leibenstein (1968) argues that entreprenuers fills market deficiencies through input- completing activities. Identify and discuss these activities, giving relevant examples. (10marks)

b) "Social entrepreneurship is gaining popularity even though it means different things to different people (Des, 1968)". Discuss. (10marks)

Question Three
a) Frank Knight (1921) says that entrepreneurs attempt to produce and act upon change within markets. How is the entrepreneurial behavior exhibited. (10marks)

b) According to Kuratkoetal and carrier (1996), intraprenuership is a
method of stimulating innovation using the creative energy of employees…" Show how intraprenuers are entrepreneurs operating in a different environment. (10marks)

Question Four
Achievement motivation, locus of control and self actualization theories can be best used to explain entrepreneurial behavior" Discuss this statement, illustrating with examples. (20marks)

Question Five
a) Show how business counseling can help entrepreneurs cope with stress in business. (5marks)

b) Discuss any FOUR risk management strategies adopted by small scale entrepreneurs. (8marks)

c) Show why it is important for entrepreneurs to build networks. (7marks)

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