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Local Development Strategies (Pmgt 021) Question Paper

Local Development Strategies (Pmgt 021) 

Course:Accounting, Finance& Investments

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and any other two questions.

Question One
Discuss "Community Dialogue" by giving the ten steps using your own examples. (30 marks)

Question Two
Define the following terms or phrases
Economic growth.
(2 marks)
Quality of life
(3 marks)
Pro-growth or market-led approach.
(3 marks)
Pro-poor or market – critical approach
(3 marks)
Poverty reduction
(3 marks)
Centralization vis-à-vis decentralization.
(3 marks)
Sustainable development
(3 marks)

Question Three
Explain the advantages of forming partnerships with non-governmental agencies (NGOs) and community based organization (CBOs)
(5 marks)
Discuss the link between entrepreneurship and local economic development.
(5 marks)
Examine how local economic development helps communities at the local levels to improve their quality of life.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Explain the effect of foreign designed theoretical models on African development.
(10 marks)
According to professor Dudley Seers one should pose THREE BASIC QUESTIONS in order to explain the meaning of development. Discuss the three basic questions that explain the degree of development.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Discuss the Local Economic Development (LED) approaches and strategies.
(10 marks)
Analyze how local communities respond to their LED needs in a variety of ways.
(5 marks)
If government corruption and non-transparency are major concerns, companies can encourage through their examples better government performance. Discuss how companies could model good citizenship to promote LED.
(5 marks)

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