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Project And Contract Management (Pscm 043)  Question Paper

Project And Contract Management (Pscm 043)  

Course:Accounting, Finance& Investments

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and two others
Question One
Define the following terms
(10 marks)
Project management
Contract management
Clearly explain the characteristics/attribute that defines a project. (4 marks)
Using relevant examples explain reasons why an organization embarks to undertake projects.
(5 marks)
Briefly explain the different sources from which good project ideas can be generated.
(3 marks)
Describe three desirable qualities of a project manager?
(3 marks)
Explain the importance of monitoring in project management.
(2 marks)
Explain three principles of project success according to Michael Gree.
(3 marks)

Question Two
Discuss three project constrains and the techniques that are used to try and overcome those constrains.
(6 marks)
Outline the three key components that need to be considered and understood when defining a project.
(3 marks)
You have been appointed as a project manager to manage a software project for procurement department. The software involves a solution for a procurement system you are requirement to select staff for this project. Briefly describe four factors that you would consider when selecting the staff.
(4 marks)
Explain why it much harder to come up with an estimate for the cost of software than it is for hardware.
(3 marks)
Briefly explain why organization do contracting.
(4 marks)

Question Three
Briefly explain the steps involved in contracting.
(4 marks)
Explain using examples why a contract can become unworkable/unsuccessful.
(5 marks)
Explain the importance of conflict in project management.
(4 marks)
Being assigned as a project manager, you noticed during executing that conflicts arise in the team on both technical and interpersonal level. What is an appropriate way of handling conflict?
(2 marks)
State and explain briefly two types of contracts.
(2 marks)
Using examples, explain he activities of management in relation to KeMU, clearly explaining its role.
(3 marks)

Question Four
Define the following terms.
(4 marks)
Contract manager
Explain five strategies employed for managing disputes when contracting.
(5 marks)
Explain four element of a contract management.
(4 marks)
How does a project management team stay in touch with the work and the attitudes of project team members?
(2 marks)
Briefly explain five additional constraints of project according to maylor.
(5 marks)

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