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Negotiations In Procurement And Supply (Pscm 432)  Question Paper

Negotiations In Procurement And Supply (Pscm 432)  

Course:Accounting, Finance& Investments

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Describe five objectives of purchasing negotiations.
(10 marks)
Negotiation plays are the short term plans and actions used by negotiators to change their counterparts’ position and try to achieve their objectives. Discuss some of the play they may employ to achieve this during negotiations.
(12 marks)
Explain the various tactics as identified by fisher and Ury that organization may use to turn an adversarial approach to a collaborative approach to negotiations.
(8 marks)

Question Two
Explain the circumstances when it would be appropriate to use both the adversarial and collaborative approach during negotiations.
(8 marks)
Discuss the factors that should be considered to ensure the success of international negotiations between two trading companies.
(12 marks)

Question Three
Ethical negotiation can only take place in a climate of trust which may not be completely possible between different parties. In view of this, there has been an argument that negotiation cannot be completely ethical. Describe some of those arguments.
(12 marks)
Explain the benefits of conducting debriefing after the negotiations are concluded.
(8 marks)

Question Four
Discuss the issues that negotiating parties should consider at the pre-negotiation stage to ensure the success of the negotiation process.
(10 marks)
Procurement departments are more prone to committing fraud than any other departments in organizations. Identify some of the measures that organizations may take to prevent and eliminate purchasing fraud.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Competitive bidding is one of the methods used by organizations to choose competitive suppliers to provide them with needed materials or services. Discuss the steps followed in the bidding procedure. (20 marks)

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