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English Grammar(Eng 091) Question Paper

English Grammar(Eng 091) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any three questions.
Question One
For each of the following sentences, state whether the verbs are transitive or intransitive.
The judges sentenced peter is ten years imprisonment
She came very early
They disagreed over the marks
She kicked the hard stone with fury
Paul drives the car efficiently
Anne walked hurriedly towards the bus
He left quite late
The man disappointed the host
The rain lasted all morning
Underline the linking verbs in each of the following sentences.
It sounded light
The cook tasted the food
The girl appeared nervous
She was very cruel
He lost the count
She is a mechanic
The man was an engineer
Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate verbs
He eventually ______________ a researcher
All morning the choir _____________ quite
This soups ____________________ good
He always __________________ happy
Pine trees ______________ tall

Question Two
Re-write the following sentences using the correct form of the present tense.
We (be) too late to catch the bus
(be) I correct?
He (look) happy today
He (do) not want to go to the movie
Sorry many (be) not here.
Complete the following sentences using the perfective aspect of the words given in brackets. (5mks)
The prices of petrol _________ (go) up
The blouse I gave you _________ (shrink)
It appears I ______________ (lose) my book
She _________ (walk) a long distance before she collapsed
He _____________ (begin) climbing the tree when the branch fell off.
Write two sentences using each of the following grammatical constituents. (10mks)
Noun as a subject
A pronoun as a direct object
Noun as a subject complement
Noun as an object of preposition
An indirect object and a direct object

Question Three
In the following sentences, indicate the voice of each of the italicized verbs.
He has climbed that mountain many times
Novels of quality entrance their readers
Character is revealed by manners.
The injured will be transported to the hospital
He is respected by all
The minister for educations has addressed the teachers
The voters perceived politicians in various ways
Is your house being painted
Flies carry disease.
Drought has been experienced by many countries.
Change the sentences above into either active or passive accordingly.

Question Four
Is it possible to become too dependent on slang? Write an essay based on specific examples why and how the overuse of slang may seriously handicap a young person. (20mks)

Question Five
Using examples, distinguish between the following pairs of words. (20mks)
Main verb and auxiliary verb.
Regular verbs and irregular verbs.
Transitive and intransitive verbs.
Direct and indirect speech.
Tense and aspect.

Question Six
By use of sentences, provide two uses of: (20mks)
Question mark
Relative pronoun
Reflexive pronoun

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