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Second Language Acquisition(Lang 315) Question Paper

Second Language Acquisition(Lang 315) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Discuss any four individual characteristics in second language learners, assessing how each may impact on the learning of a second language. (20mks)

Question Two
Make a distinction of the following set of concepts as used in second language acquisition studies:
First language and second language.
Inter language and L1 transfer.
Behaviorist and inatist perspectives to first language learning. (8mks)
Natural language learning setting and instructional language learning setting.

Question Three
Describe the acculturation model of second language learning. (20mks)

Question Four
Explain the importance of motivation in second language learning. (10mks)
Describe ways in which a second language learner can try to simplify second language learning.

Question Five
Describe Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar in terms of
Innateness and linguistic universals.
Markedness and second language acquisition.

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