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Marketing Management(Dpba 016) Question Paper

Marketing Management(Dpba 016) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Mara hotel is a chain of luxury hotel renowned in the country for outstanding service. it caters for 5% of corporate and leisure travelers. The hotel customer service goal state;’ The Mara hotel is a place where genuine care and comfort of our guest is our highest mission. We pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilitate to our guests, who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed yet refined ambience’’.
True to their word, the hotel has three steps of service which guide employees on how to handle customers. Guest who are their customers are received with a warm and sincere greetings and if and when possible using the guest name followed by anticipation and compliance with guest need and finally guest received fond farewell and warm good-bye again using their name if possible.
One of the guest‘s had this to say about the Hotel, ‘’The hotel is elegant and beautiful but more importantly is the beauty expressed by the staff’.
Service quality has resulted in high customer retention with more than 90% or Mara hotel customers return. And despite its hefty room rates, the hotel enjoys a 70% occupancy rate almost nine points above the industry average.
The responsibility for keeping guests satisfied falls to Mara Hotel customer-contact employees. Thus, the hotel takes great care in finding just the right personnel who cares about people. Once selected, employees are given intensive training in the art of handling customers. The hotel also instills a lot of pride in their employees.
When it comes to customer satisfaction, no details are too small. Customer-contact people are taught to greet guests warmly and sincerely, using guests’ names. The hotel also recognizes and rewards employees who perform feats of outstanding service. The hotel success is based on a simple philosophy. To take care of customers, you must first take care of those who take care of customers. Satisfied employees deliver high service value which then creates satisfied customers. Satisfied employees deliver high service value which then creates satisfied customers. Satisfied customers in turns create sales and profits for the company.

Question 1
a) Explain how Mara hotel has managed to achieve a high customer retention rate despite their hefty charges.(8marks)
b) Explain how Mara hotel has created and nurtured strong customer –employee relationships and the benefits resulting from such relationship. (10marks)
c) Identify and discuss the four characteristics that affect the marketing of services. (10 marks)

Question 2
Discuss FIVE concepts in the stage of marketing development identifying circumstances where each concept may be appropriate (20marks)

Question 3
a) Explain conditions under which a manufacturer would use selective, exclusive, intensive distribution. (8marks)
b) Explain the meaning and uses of marketing audit. (12marks)

Question 4
a) State and explain four important dimensions of a company’s product mix strategy. (10marks)
b) Differentiate between brand Equity and brand positioning. (8marks)

Question 5
a) Explain the need for companies to develop new products and the sources of new Product ideas. (10marks)
b) Explain the importance of marketing environment analysis. (10marks)

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