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Introduction To Computers(Dpba 020) Question Paper

Introduction To Computers(Dpba 020) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) The 20th and 21st centuries have been characterized by organizations and individuals shifting from manual way of doing things to computerized systems. Explain the reasons why these trends have been in occurrence (6marks)
b) What is system software? Describe the role of TWO categories of software found under system software in a computer (5marks)
c) Define the following terms as they apply to computer systems:
ii) Data
iii) Port (3marks)
d) Describe the working of the following type of printers
i) Character printers
ii) Line Printers
iii) Page printers (6marks)
e) Convert the following data formats as required and indicate your working:
i) 52 to binary
ii) 100011 to decimal (6marks)
f) Discuss the role of FOUR database objects found in Microsoft 2007 application. (4marks)

Question 2
a) Differentiate between RAM and ROM (4marks)
b) Describe how data is written to and read from a magnetic disk (8marks)
c) What is input/output devices? Describe any FIVE input/output devices (5marks)
d) Describe any THREE application software found in modern computers today and the role they play to computer users. (3marks)

Question 3
a) Operating System is a collection of system programs that together control the operation of a computer system. Outline the functions of an operating system in a computer system. (10marks)
b) What is a computer virus? Discuss the threats posed by computer viruses to computer systems. (10marks)

Question 4
Discuss with appropriate examples the working of FIVE components of your choice the following computer hardware units.
i) Central Processing Unit (5marks)
ii) Computer Secondary storage (5marks)
iii) Computer input devices (5marks)
iv) Computer memory (5marks)

Question 5
a) What is the Internet? (1mark)
b) Discuss the role of Internet in development of human society (9marks)
c) What are the challenges facing Kenyan rural and urban communities towards Internet connectivity. (10marks)

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