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Computer Applications(Dpba 020)  Question Paper

Computer Applications(Dpba 020)  

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, explain the computer organization with reference to Von Neumann architecture. (6Marks)
b) Differentiate between octal and binary number systems (2Marks)
c) Explain any two preventive measures against computer viruses. (2Marks)
d) Discuss briefly how internet could be applied in education sector. (3Marks)
e) Define the term System software and list down two types of system software. (3Marks)
f) Outline any four devices needed in setting up a Local Area Network (4Marks)

Question 2
a) Networks are essential in today’s information age. Define the term topology and discuss any three types of network topologies. (8Marks)
b) Briefly explain three major types of networks based on geographical location. (6Marks)
c) Convert the binary number 01101010001 into: (6Marks)
i) Octal
ii) Hexadecimal
iii) Decimal

Question 3
a) Discuss any three negative effects of internet use to the modern society. (3Marks)
b) Discuss four major internet applications in today’s world. (8Marks)
c) A communications channel is classified as one of three types, depending on the direction of transfer
i) Simplex
ii) Full-Duplex
iii) Half-Duplex
With an aid of a diagram, briefly describe each of the above transmission modes giving examples where necessary (9Marks)

Question 4
a) Briefly describe the following application packages giving examples of each;
i) Word processor
ii) Presentation
iii) Spreadsheet (9Marks)
b) Highlight any five major functions an operating system (5Marks)
c) Briefly discuss the key features of first generation of computers citing the major inventions made. (6Marks)

Question 5
a) Differentiate between the following terms: (8Marks)
i) Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission
ii) Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming
iii) Off-the shelf and tailor-made package
b) State any four registers found within the CPU (4Marks)
c) Name and explain two input and two output devices in computer system.(8Marks)

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