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Business And Management Studies(Dpba 020)  Question Paper

Business And Management Studies(Dpba 020)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


Answer question ONE and any other two questions
Question One
Explain any three methods used in classifying computers giving relevant examples in each case
Define the following terms
Recycle bin
Highlight four differences between ROM and RAM
What is cache? Why is it necessary?
Explain any four main functions of an operating system

Question Two
Distinguish between a digital and analogue computers
Highlight any five characteristics of a good word processor
Explain four factors to consider in choosing a printer to purchase (8mks)
What do the following shortcut keys mean

Question Three
Distinguish between relative and absolute cell reference in a worksheet
Describe any three types of network topologies
Using a well labeled diagram. Describe the organization of computer hardware according to von-Newman Architecture

Question Four
Computer viruses are major threats to data and program, explain four measures to guard data and programs against this threat (8mks)
Convent the following
1101012 to base 10
76148 to base 10
AL43B16 to base 2
0.37510 to base 2
2310 to base 2
Explain the steps of inserting a table to a document (2mks)

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