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The Geography Of East Africa(Geog 206) Question Paper

The Geography Of East Africa(Geog 206) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
On a map of East Africa, indicate the following:
i) Political boundaries (3marks)
ii) Capital cities (3marks)
iii) Mts. Ruwenzori, Usambaea, Elgon and Meru (4marks)
iv) Rivers Rufiji, Nile, Athi, Malagarasi (4marks)
v) Lakes Magadi, Rukwa, Natron, Tanganyika (4marks)
vi) The Great Rift Valley (2marks)

Question 2
a) Analyze how temperature and climate influence the climate of East Africa (4marks)
b) Describe the following climatic zones of East Africa and indicate their location.
i) Tropical Climate
ii) Mountain climate
iii) Equatorial climate
iv) Arid and Semi Arid Climate (16marks)

Question 3
Describe the main types of agriculture practiced in Kenya and offer suggestions for improvement. (20marks)

Question 4
a) On a map of Kenya, show the population distribution (8marks)
b) Analyze three factors that affect the population distribution (12marks)

Question 5
a) What is urbanization? (2marks)
b) Discuss three reasons leading to rural-urban migration in East Africa (12marks)
c) Identify two problems related to rural-urban migration and suggest a solution for each. (6marks)

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