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Population Geography(Geog 303)  Question Paper

Population Geography(Geog 303)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer any three questions.
Question One
Differentiate between
Quinquennial and decennial census
Fecudity and fertility.
Immigration and Emmigration
Explain the causes of migration in Kenya.

Question Two
(i) A part form sample surveys, list two other main sources of population data.
(ii) Explain the importance of sample survey as sources of pop data. (9mks)
Account for the differences in pop densities in central and north Eastern provinces of Kenya.

Question Three
Discuss the four demographic transition phases and show their implications to the Kenyan population structure. (20mks)

Question Four
Critically assess the contribution of Thomas Robert Malthus (1966-1834) to population theory.
Explain the effects of high population growth rate to a country.

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