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Population Geography(Geog 303)  Question Paper

Population Geography(Geog 303)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer three questions only.
Question One
Define population geography.
Differentiate between
Immigration and emigration.
Fecundity and fertility.
Crude birth rate and mortality rate.
Outline six factors influencing population distribution in East Africa. (6mks)

Question Two
Describe Robert Malthus population growth theory.
Highlight five criticism of the above theory.
Discuss the relevance of the above theory to population growth today.

Question Three
Describe the demographic transition theory.
Discuss the four stages of demographic transition phases.

Question Four
Discuss six factors that lead to slow population growth rate. (12mks)
Outline four cultural beliefs responsible for rapid population growth rate in Kenya. (8mks)

Question Five
Describe an age sex pyramid graph.
Discuss eight population problems faced by developed countries. (16mks)

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