313/1: Christian Religious Education Question Paper

313/1: Christian Religious Education 


Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2013

2hrs 30mins

a) This paper consists of six questions.

b) Answer any five questions in the answer sheet provided.

c) Each question takes 20mks.

1.a) Explain seven teachings from the Biblical accounts of creation in Genesis 1&2 (7mks)
b)Outline six ways in which human beings rebelled against God according to Genesis accounts of the fall of man. 6mks)
c)Give reasons why some Christians leave the church today.(7mks)

2 a) Explain the meaning of any four symbolic objects/acts use by the Hebrews on the night of Exodus.(8MKS)
b) State seven conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of Sinai covenant . (Exodus 34:22-36). (5mks)
c)Outline the lessons that Christians learn from Abraham’s faith (5mks)

3. a) state factors that led to the division of the kingdom of israel (8mks)
b)Give six reasons why samwel was opposed to kingship of Israel. (6mks)
c)outline six problems which have resulted from freedom of worship in Kenya today. (6mks)

4. a) Give eight reasons why prophets were important in Israel .(8mks)
b) Outline ways in which the prophetic messages were written down. (6mks)
c) Show the relevance of prophet Amos teachings on election to Christians today. (6mks)

5. a) Give reasons why prophet Jeremiah wrote a letter to the exiles in Babylon. (7mks)
b) State seven challenges encountered by Nehemiah as a governor of Judah. (7mks)
c) Outline ways in which Christians can promote harmony between the church and the state. (6mks)

6. a) what is the importance of healers in the Traditional African Societies. (7mks)
b) State the African understanding about property. (6mks)
c) Give seven reasons why herbalists are gaining popularity in modern Kenya

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