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Leadership And Organizational Behavior(Hrmg 544)  Question Paper

Leadership And Organizational Behavior(Hrmg 544)  

Course:Human Resource And Marketing

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010


INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Mayor Sam Njoroge is nearing completion of his first term in the office. He feels his record has been pretty good, except for the controversial issue of housing. He has been able to avoid doing anything about housing so far and feels very strongly that this issue must not come to a head before the next election. The voters are too evenly divide on the issue . And he would lose a substantial number of voters no matter what stand he took. Yet with pressure increasing from both sides, he has to do something. After much distress and vacillation, he has finally come upon what he thinks is an ideal solution to his dilemma. He has appointed a committee to study the problem and make recommendations. To make sure that the committees work will not be completed before the election comes up, it was important to pick the right people. Specifically, Sam has selected his Blue-ribbon committee from a wide across section of the community so that in Sam`s words, “all concerned parties will be represented”. He has made the committee very large, and the members range from PhDs in urban planning to real estate agents to local ward committee to messenger and clerks. He has taken particular care in selecting people who have widely divergent, out spoken public view on the housing issue.
Question 1
a) Do you think Sam`s strategy of using this group to delay taking a stand on this issue until after the election will work? Why or why not? (5marks)
b) What are some of the important dynamics of this group? Do you think the group will arrive at a good solution of the housing problem facing this city? (10marks)
c) Do you think they will suffer from group think? (5marks)
d) Using Schachter study explain the implication of the above group formation (10marks)

Question 2
a) Resistance to change is often viewed negatively. Discuss some possible benefits of resistance to change in an organization. (10marks)
b) What was Kurt lewins main contribution to change management and how relevant is it for contemporary organizations. (10marks)

Question 3
a) Using an organization of your choice discuss the various ways information flows and with what effects in the overall organization performance. (10marks)
b) Describe the managerial communication model that provides a framework for how managers communicate on a day to day basis. (10marks)

Question 4
a) Organizations, particularly, large ones are like governments, in that they are fundamentally political entities. To understand them one needs to understand organizational politics, just as to understand governments one needs to understand government politics. Discuss this assertion (10marks)
b) Stress can be either helpful or harmful to job performance, depending on its level. Discuss. (10marks)

Question 5
a) A certain employee of a given big company made this comment “This job isn`t right for me. I like to have more input on decisions that affect me more of a chance to show what I can do. I don`t get enough feedback to tell if I`m doing a good job or not, and the company keeps people in the dark about where it is headed. Basically, I feel like an interchangeable part most of the time.”
i) What lesson can the management of this company learn from this comment? (5marks)
ii) What can the organization do to change the attitude of this employee (5marks)
b) What are the “Big Five?” Personality traits? Which one seems to have the biggest impact on performance? How would knowledge of the Big Five help you in your job as a manager? (10marks)

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