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Employee Relations(Hrmg 543) Question Paper

Employee Relations(Hrmg 543) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE questions

Question 1
Mrefu has copied the list of his employer’s customers with an aim of using the same after his contract of employment comes to an end. Using his employers confidential data of which he had access to, he has been able to contact a number of customers, those customers promised to engage him once he ceases to work and sets up his own company.
Mrefu therefore sets his own company. The company is to do the same business as his employer. Mwema, a senior employee with the company, has reached an agreement with Mrefu. Mwema would be a valuable asset in Mrefu’s company because, of his long association with the company, thus Mrefu has offered him double of what he is currently earning.
Kijana comes to work late. He proceeds to the managing director’s office and requests for a promotion or else he will cease working. The managing director orders him out of his office. He refuses to do so and challenge the managing director to a physical confrontation if he is man enough. The managing director calls the security guards who physically carry Kijana out of the office. Kijana is injured in the process. He has threatened to sue the managing director and the company. The company intends to take action against him.

Advise the company on the following:
a) Whether the activities of Mrefu are in the breach of his contract and also under what circumstances the employer may restrain him (10marks)
b) What remedies the company has against Mwema (5marks)
c) The ground and procedure to be followed to summarily terminate the services of an employee (15marks)
d) What defenses are available to the company against Kijana’s intended suit (10marks)

Question 2
a) Discuss the relevance and functions of the Kenya Industrial court in employee relations (6marks) b) Industrial grievances are a major risk to good industrial relations and must be managed at all levels. In relation to this statement, discuss the causes of grievances in an organization. (6marks)
c) Explain the factors that determine the efficiency of grievance procedure (8marks)

Question 3
Researchers in Human Resource Management field are making one conclusion, “ participative management is only lip service in many organizations”. Respond to this conclusion by:
a) Explaining the importance of participation in industrial relations (4marks)
b) Suggest strategies for successful employee participation in decision making (8marks)
c) Outline the limitations for participative management (8marks)

Question 4
“Mere existence in an organization of employees from diverse cultural backgrounds does not amount to diversity”. Comment on this statement carefully explaining how modern organizations engender suitable diversity (20marks)

Question 5
Critically discuss the impact of globalization on modern industrial relations (20marks)

Question 6
Collective bargaining is an instrument in the hands of employees to improve their social economic and political welfare.
a) Analyze the role of collective bargaining in industrial relations with particular reference to developing countries (8marks)
b) Define the term negotiations and give reasons why they are critical in management (4marks) c) i) Give five functions of trade unions and explain why employees join trade unions (4marks) ii) Discuss two types of collective bargaining (4marks)

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