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Employee Resourcing(Hrmg 541)  Question Paper

Employee Resourcing(Hrmg 541)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer question ONE and THREE other Questions

Question 1
TGCT is a computer based company located in the Central Business District Nairobi. The company has been in operation for the last ten years and is owned by one man called Devji Shah. The Organizational structure consists of a General Manager’s position and four departmental posts; namely Finance, Operations, Marketing and Administration.
The business premises where the shop is located consists of a shop that sells micro-processors, books, computer games, calculators and standard software are displayed.. Behind the shop is a large room that serves as a service and assembly room. The current workforce at TGCH consists of the proprietor (General Manager), a secretary, bookkeeper, three receptionists, seven programmers and four customer service staff. Most of the staff were recruited from the proprietor’s relatives using no formal recruitment. As, such the job tasks are flexible and depend on individual preferences. The staff are nearly all in the 20-30 age group, very keen and interested in their jobs. They are obviously involved in a trade which has every prospect going for it in the years ahead. Every opportunity is taken to display their wares at computer shows and exhibitions and to help run courses on microcomputers in an effort to make people aware of the user-friendly nature of the equipment.
The company has made some success lending out the microprocessors free of charge for ten days or renting them out at a minimum charge for a month or two so that customers can get acquainted to them. Ninety percent of such customers have ended up buying the machines and ordering for more together with training. The work load has tremendously increased with maintenance work becoming un- manageable. This is due to the mishandling of flash disks by customers or failure to read the instructions handbook properly. Most staff therefore spend some time with customers training them how to use the machines.
A year ago, there was a notable shift in the work patterns with most staff concentrating on customers. The office work has somewhat been neglected and the accounts are not up to date. The company has in addition introduced a 20% commission on any sales by any of their employees. The new payment scheme has highly benefitted the programmers and the customer support staff. The rest of the staff are highly disadvantaged as they do not possess any selling skills or knowledge. The pay at the end of each subsequent month continues to show increasing differentials in favour of those who are actively involved and qualified in selling. The behaviour of the book keeper has currently changed. She has, on four occasions reported to work late, which is unlike her. She recently wrote a letter requesting to be allowed time off every day from 2pm to attend classes on professional accountancy in a local commercial college. The receptionists have each in turn approached the proprietor asking for pay increments in the light of increasing work. The secretary has already given her notice to resign from the job.
The proprietor is now concerned about the staff situation. He has consequently engaged a Human Resource Consultant to study the situation and make appropriate recommendations. The consultant has completed the task and given the following recommendations:
• That a job analysis be carried out to streamline the company’s human resource records. • That the current reward system be reviewed to make it more equitable so that they can retain more staff than they have been doing in the past. • That the post of secretary be re-named to “Office Manager” and a suitable person be employed to replace the existing secretary.
a) From the case above prepare a job description, a job specification and a press advertisement for the newly created position of Office Manager. (20marks)
b) Suggest and discuss the appropriate methods of employee selection that may be used to recruit the Office Manager. (10marks)
c) Discuss how the problem of inequitable pay can be addressed in TGCT. (10marks)

Question 2
Kiyapi Fashion Designers a company with over two hundred designers, who on a part time basis has decided to carry out a human resource audit. They aim to change contracts of part-time to full-time.
a) Analyze the circumstances that would necessitate the need for a human resource audit in this company. (10marks)
b) Discuss the various selection techniques that Kiyapi could consider, to assess the candidate’s suitability for the position. (10marks)

Question 3
Many organizations in the 21st century are encouraged to adopt an “Equal Opportunity Policy”.
a) Describe the benefits that would be derived from such a policy. (10marks)
b) Interviews lack validity as a selection tool. Discuss. (10marks)

Question 4
Amani School is a private secondary school that has been expanding rapidly. They begun ten years ago with only four teachers and they have now grown and have 20 teachers on board. The school proprietor is also the head of academics and is also the one who handles all the queries by parents concerning their children. She is overworked and has been advised by a Human Resource consultant on the need for a Human Resource Plan.
Describe the key steps that the head of Amani School should follow in the process of human resource planning. (20marks)

Question 5
Uptown University of Business and Administration is a rapidly growing University that has established centres all over the country. However the Human Resource Department has remained centralized and is located at the head office. The University is offering diverse courses and has a student population of ten thousand. They currently have one hundred lecturers who are employed on a full-time basis and two hundred lecturers on a part-time basis. Of late the students complaints have increased tremendously and the key concern is about the quality of education and service they are receiving in uptown.
This has led the management to decide that they need a performance management system that will evaluate both the full-time and part-time staff. After consultation with HR professionals the management has decided to put in place a 360 degree feedback system of managing performance.
Discuss how the 360 degree feedback system of performance management operates and what its key components. Explain the benefits that Uptown University will gain from this performance management system. (20marks)

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