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Employee Relations(Hrmg 543) Question Paper

Employee Relations(Hrmg 543) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE questions.

PENDO LETU LTD is a corporation registered under the provisions of the Company’s Act (Cap 486) with the purpose of pursuing a wide range of activities ranging from public commuter services, maintenance of their vehicles and repair thereof. The company has a work-force of 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) employees engaged in different sectors. The company has been very successful in pursuit of its objectives. The management, through the Board of Directors, would like to make sweeping changes in line with new policies and also to embrace new technological advancements required to operate some of its departments more efficiently. However, the effect of such embracement of new technology has tremendous ramifications as it is likely to reduce the work-force by 50 percent. Mr. Midomo Baggy, an employee of the company got wind of the said changes and decided to inform his fellow employees of the same. The next week on a Monday morning shortly before 8.00 a.m at the company’s gate, they held a brief meeting in which the following resolutions were hurriedly arrived at:
i) That the pending registration of their trade union, christened Pakawa Workers Union must be effected the soonest in order to empower their collective bargaining.
ii) That a committee comprising five employees be established to press for employee participation in management and decisions of the company’s affair.
iii) That a strike notice be issued in case the company insists on implementing its proposed changes.
Mr. Mapengo, an employee who is in good books with the managers of the company decided to report the above meeting and its resolutions to the Board of Directors who in turn have decided to do the following:
i) To conduct employee attitude surveys.
ii) To impose a ban on forming and /or joining a trade union by any of its employees.
iii) To discipline any employee in breach of any of the company’s directives.

Question 1
a) Advise Pendo Letu Ltd. and its employees on the provisions of the Employment Act regarding the employees’ rights to form and or join a trade union. (10marks)
b) Pendo Letu Ltd. has approached you for advise on the meaning, uses and methods of employee attitude surveys. Advise them. (10marks)
c) Advise Pendo Letu Ltd on any ten purposes of discipline in an organization which they must endeavour to achieve. (20marks)

Question 2
An employment relationship is contractual and can be discharged in the same way as normal contract. In addition to the normal ways of terminating employment contract there are modifications that have been brought about by industrial/workplace legislation, awards and agreements.
a) In relation to the above statement, discuss any seven methods by which a contract of employment could be terminated in Kenya. (14marks)
b) Distinguish between unfair and wrongful dismissal. (6marks)

Question 3
Industrial grievances and disputes are a major risk to good employee relations and must be managed to all levels.
a) In relation to this statement, explain the meaning, causes and signs of industrial grievances. (12marks)
b) As a human resource specialist, explain how such grievances may be prevented. (8marks)

Question 4
“The modern organization operates in an environment characterized by diversity”. Comment on this statement, carefully explaining how modern organizations can engender sustainable diversity. (20marks)

Question 5
a) Critically analyze the role of collective bargaining in industrial relations, with particular reference to developing countries. (10marks)
b) Discuss the collective responsibilities of the parties involved in a tripartite agreement in reference to industrial relations charter. (10marks)

Question 6
a) State and explain the major universal functions of Trade Unions.
b) An effective way of resolving people – related problems in work environment is to involve the employees to participate at every stage and in every decision meant to deal with employee’s problems.
i) Suggest five employee – relationship management practices or procedures that can be instituted to bring participation in handling their grievance. (10marks)
ii) Explain four methods or management practices that can break the barrier between employees and management so as to bring a healthy communications in an organization. (4marks)
iii) Summarize the main objectives of the International Labour Organization (ILO). (6marks)

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