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Manpower Planning(Hrmg 332) Question Paper

Manpower Planning(Hrmg 332) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) The success of any company depends on how well their human assets are planned and integrated in the corporate plans. In relation to the statement above, explain arrears of Human Resource Planning that should be integrated in the corporate plans. (10marks)
b) Joyland Enterprise intends to computerise its Human Resource Department. Explain the sources and the data required by Joyland Enterprise in its Human Resource computerization programme. (10marks)
c) Due to perceived high cost of computerization many organizations are reluctant to computerize their Human Resource Department. As a Human Resource Manager of Joyland Enterprise explain why you would encourage computerization in the organizations. (10marks)

Question 2
a) The Board of Directors of Mambo Enterprise are on the verge of carrying out redundancies exercise. The Board of Directors has instructed the Human Resource Manager to look at other options available to the company instead of carrying out a redundancy exercise. Explain what these options are likely to be. (10marks)
b) Park View Enterprise has experienced a steady increase in demand for labour for its operations in the last two years. Explain the circumstances that may have led to this situation. (10marks)

Question 3
a) Many business organization are in a hurry to replace staff that are leaving business and are also quick to hire new personnel when it is sensed that there is an increase or unmanageable workload. Why is it important to consider deployment before employing new employees? (10marks)
b) Explain the importance of skill inventory in Human Resource Planning of an organization. (10marks)

Question 4
a) Its advisable to carry out job analysis before actual job placement is done. Explain five means through which job analysis may be carried out in an organization indicating the merits and demerits of each. (10marks)
b) At a management meeting to determine the significance of job analysis, Mr. Kokio the Managing Director of Real Valley Enterprise Ltd. remarked “Gentlemen, job analysis is a waste of enterprise resources”. Explain to the Director the significance of carrying out job analysis for the enterprise. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Safari Enterprise Management is concerned with low productivity among its workers and has decided to contract a consultant to advise them on how it can increase productivity. You have been identified as a consultant to advise Safari Enterprise on how to improve the productivity of its staff. Explain the measures that should be taken in the improvement of staff inductivity of Safari Enterprises. (12marks)
b) Explain the role that a Human Resource Management department plays in human resource planning in an organization. (8marks

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