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Recruitment, Training And Development I(Hrmg 330) Question Paper

Recruitment, Training And Development I(Hrmg 330) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Explain the similarities and differences of education, training and development (10marks)
b) Compare and contrast human resource traditional versus career development focus in the business organizations (10marks)
c) Often managers are reluctant to spare their key employees for training/retraining. How can this problem be overcome. (10marks)

Question 2
a) Training and retraining of employee is a non-recoverable expenditure or is it a productive investment. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples (10marks)
b) In the national and international markets, what kinds of training programmes would you organize for the employees of the organization (10marks)

Question 3
a) If you are to advice the HR department of a medium-sized company which is engage in manufacturing and marketing consumer non-durable products, what steps will you follow to prepare a training package. What problems will be encountered and suggest measures to overcome them (10marks)
b) Explain how the traditional concepts and methods of training may not be sufficient to create performing organizations in the contemporary context. (10marks)

Question 4
a) What is the importance of employee training in a fast changing environment. Explain management games and case study as methods of executive development. (10marks)
b) What combination of on the job and off the job-training methods are must appropriate for building human relation skills of a group of administrative assistant? Enumerate the reasons for selecting the methods (10marks)

Question 5
a) If you were to evaluate the training received by data input operators. How would you evaluate the training at the different levels? What type of training design would you use and why? (10marks)
b) “Success of training programme depends on how it is conducted”. Explain. (10marks)

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