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Employee Resourcing(Hrmg 541)  Question Paper

Employee Resourcing(Hrmg 541)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) and any other THREE Questions.

Read the following case and answer the Questions that follow:
If you were to ask Johnny and his father what the main problem was in running their firm, their answer would be quick and short: hiring good people. Originally begun as a string of coin-operated Laundromats requiring virtually no skilled help, the chain grew to six stores, each heavily dependent on skilled managers cleaner-spotters, and pressers. Employees generally have no more than a high school education (often less), and the market for them is very competitive. Over a typical weekend literally dozens of want ads for experienced pressers or cleaner-spotters can be found in area newspapers. All these people are usually paid around Ksh 1500 per hour, and they change jobs frequently. Johnny and his father are thus faced with the continuing task of recruiting and hiring qualified workers out of a pool of individuals they feel are almost nomadic in their propensity to move from area to area and job to job. Turnover in their stores (as in the stores of many of their competitors often approaches 400%, “Don`t talk to me about human resource planning an trend analysis,” Says Johnny. “We are fighting an economic war and I`m happy just to be able to round up enough live applicants to be able to keep my trenches”.
In the light of this problem, answer the following Questions.

Question 1
a) How do you recommend that Johnny and his father goes on to reduce high rate of turnover? (5marks)
b) What would you recommend so that Johnny and his father would increase their pool of acceptable job applicants so that they are no longer faced with the need of hiring almost anyone who walks in their door. (10marks)
c) What do you think are the consequences of high labour turnover in Johnny and his father`s firm? (10marks)

Question 2
a) What is the major aim and objectives of Human Resource Planning? (10marks)
b) What would be the benefits of effective Human Resource Planning? (10marks)
c) As a human resource manager, what challenges would you anticipate to face when planning for human resource? (5marks)

Question 3
a) Discuss THREE tools used in forecasting demand pointing out their weaknesses. (10marks)
b) What strategies are available for matching supply and demand of manpower and when is it appropriate to use them? (10marks)
c) List down the guideline for making Human Resource Planning effective. (5marks)

Question 4
a) What criteria would you use to choose a particular strategy for matching demand and supply of manpower. (10marks)
b) When is it appropriate for an organization to use internal or external sources of recruitment? Support your answer. (10marks)
c) Discuss how to determine validity in the recruitment process? (5marks)

Question 5
a) What should guide a Human Resource Manager when deciding to use tests as a tool of selecting suitable job candidates? (20marks)
b) What are the limitations of interview as a tool of selection? (5marks)

Question 6
a) What is performance management and why are majority of organizations embracing the idea of performance management? (5marks)
b) Outline the features of a sound motivational system. (10marks)
c) What is the relevance of motivation theories to a human resource management? (5marks)
d) What are the consequences of an organization with low morale? (5marks)

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