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Ees 302:Metamorphic Petrology Question Paper

Ees 302:Metamorphic Petrology 

Course:Metamorphic Petrology

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer question 1 and any other three questions.
Question 1
a)Explain the rock cycle,with special reference to metamorphic rocks (5marks)
b)Name the two most important characteristics that distinguish metamorphic rocks from other rock types and relate these characteristics to two types of metamorphic changes.(5marks)
c)Explain lithostatic pressure and deviatoric stress and comment on the significance of each factor in metamorphism (5marks)
d)Elaborate on the concept of metamorphic equilibrium (5marks)
e)i)Define metamorphic facies in general. (2marks)
ii)Elaborate briefly on the two characteristics or conditions that help to deduce the relative temperatures and pressures of metamorphic rocks represented by different metamorphic facies (3marks)
Question 2
a)i)What are pelitic rocks?(2marks)
ii)Name the chemical components in pelitic rocks that play a major role in the formation of metamorphic index minerals.(3marks)
b)Using a suitable diagram to illustrate,define the term isograd.(5marks)
c)What are migmatites?Describe the stromatic,and nebulitic type migmatites. (5marks)
Question 3
a)Explain briefly,the difference between ortho-amphibolites and para-amphibolites.(5marks)
b)Explain the two important differences between the metamorphism of basic igneous rocks compared to that of pelitic metasediments.(10marks)
Question 4
a)Explain the formation of the following types of rocks:
i)Calc-silicates (6marks)
ii)Marbles (5marks)
iii)Skarns (2marks)
b)Why are marbles poor indicators of metamorphic grades?(2marks)
Question 5
a)Describe the following textures and explain how they are formed:
i)Granoblastic polygonal (8marks)
ii)Crenulation cleavage (4marks)
b)What are pressure shadows in metamorphic rocks?(3marks)
Question 6
a)Distinguish between burial and contact metamorphism.(10marks)
b)What is cataclastic or dynamic metamorphism and how can it be related to plate tectonic process?(5marks)

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