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Human Resource Development(Hrmg 542) Question Paper

Human Resource Development(Hrmg 542) 

Course:Human Resource And Marketing

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer question One and any other Three questions
Question One
Read the Mini case and answer the questions.
One day, Dave Palm, the director of training at Kengary Co. Ltd, got a call suggesting that top executives where looking to improve the company’s bottom line, and couldn’t find enough tangible evidence that the company training programs were producing a measurable return on the company invention. Top management at this optical retailer HD understood that employee training was important, but they wanted to know what evidence was available to show that there was in fact a pay off to the organization form the money being spent on training. The phone conversation ended with a challenge. "What are you going to do about this?"
Answer the following questions
If you we the director of training in this situation, what types of measures would you like to have available before you respond to top management
What types of evidence do you think that management would find convincing that training was having a positive impact on the organization
Why did you pick the measures that you did?
How would you go about collecting the data for the measures you have selected

Question Two
Discuss the role that training plays the effectiveness of an HRD program or interventions. Briefly describe the options available to assess the trainability of employees
Suppose you have been asked to perform a task analysis for the job of dispatcher in a city police department, which methods of that analysis do you think would be most appropriate for analyzing this job? Support your choices

Question Three
Discuss training or classroom experiences that you have had where objectives either did or did not follow the recommendations made by Robert Mager and others
Discuss the four levels of evaluation that make up Kark Patrick’s framework of evaluation. Identify examples of data each level that might be collected to provide evidence for the effectiveness of a class or training program in which you have participated

Question Four
Using your knowledge of the stages of life and career development, discuss how the career issues of a 27 years old differ from those of a 45years. What are the organizational implications of the issues you identified
Given the current trends towards empourmout and employing fewer levels of management, how important do you believe management development will be hither next. support your answer

Question Five
Is organization transformation change a necessity for maintaining an efficient organization? Why or why not? Even though there is limited empirical evidence to support organization transformation. Change intervention strategies why do organizations still use this approach? Describe a situation where you think that this approach would not be effective. Support your answer
Income organizations, cultural diversity efforts meet with resistance from key managers and employees. Identify the reasons for this resistance and recommend ways it can be overcome, support your recommendation (10mk)

Question Six
Using Feldman’s three stage model of organization socialization, how would you describe the way you were socialized into an organization where you have worked? How well does the model fit your experience
If your organization were contemplating using team based approach to increase productivity and reduce cost, what training issues would the organization be likely to fale? How could the organizing address these issues

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