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Personnel Career Development(Hrmg 031) Question Paper

Personnel Career Development(Hrmg 031) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) and ANY Other TWO Questions.
Question One
a) The ultimate responsibility for career development rest with individual
employee, the employer. Comment on this statement. (5marks)

b) What is a career? Why is a career path important to an employee?
c) Explain FIVE factors/ career anchors that cause people to seek certain types of work. (10marks)

d) Explain the meaning of career development show how organizations can help an employee in career development. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Outline and describe the career development cycle. (10marks)

b) What factors lead to career stagnation of an employee? (10marks)

Question Three
a) Explain the benefits of career development to both the employee and the
employer. (10marks)

Question Four
a) Discuss the essentials of success in career progression. (10marks)

b) Write short notes on
i) Career goals
ii) Career cycle
iii) Career path
iv) Career counseling
v) Career plateauing (10marks)

Question Five
a) Design a career path for yourself after completing your studies.(10marks)

b) Outline an employee of a company that you are working for has approached you to guide him on matters of career counseling. What advice would you give him? (10marks)

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