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Introduction To Labour Laws (Hrmg 045) Question Paper

Introduction To Labour Laws (Hrmg 045) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Question One
Write short notes on the following.
Collective agreement
Worst forms of child labour
National labour board
Maternity and paternity leave
Forced Labour.
(10 marks)

The most popular federation of employee organizations is the central organization of trade unions (COTU). Discuss the rights of federations of employee organizations as provided for in part II of the labour relations Act 2007
(10 marks)
Explain several ways in which a contract of employment can be terminated.
(10 marks)

Question Two
Highlight the elements of an employment contract and explain their relevance to both the employer and employee.
(10 marks)
Briefly explain the purpose of labour laws.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Explain the following terms as used in labour laws of 2007.
(10 marks)
1. Dependent
2. Employee
3. Forced or compulsory labour
4. Labour inspector
5. HIV
What is the time restriction in the employment of a child aged between 13-16 years?
(2 marks)
List at least two minimum conditions of employment. Your answer must be based on part v – rights and duties in employment of the employment act 2007.
(2 marks)
Discuss at least four functions of the National labour board.
(6 marks)

Question Four
Explain the objectives of the international labour organizations.
(10 marks)
What is the objective of the work injury benefits Act 2007?
(3 marks)
Define the term "accident" in accordance with work injury benefits Act 2007.
(2 marks)
List the composition and role of the industry court.
(5 marks)

Question Five
As a Labour Officer, when can you accuse an employer of "child labour" give at least three situations.
(6 marks)
What is the objective of the occupational safety and Health Act 2007?

(2 marks)
Define the term "occupier" and discuss at least six general duties of every occupier in accordance with occupational safety and Health Act 2007
(12 marks)

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