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Performance And Reward Management(Hrmg 331)  Question Paper

Performance And Reward Management(Hrmg 331)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Question One
Briefly discuss the purpose and significance of performance appraisal in relation to formulation of reward system of an organization.
(10 Marks)

Explain the factors that should be considered when formulating a reward policy in an organization.
(10 Marks)

Discuss the key components of the performance management cycle.
(10 Marks)

Question Two
Discuss the concept of "total rewards" and explain how human resource managers can utilize this concept to enhance employee motivation.
(12 Marks)

State and briefly explain four objectives an organization should bear in mind when planning its compensation system.
(8 Marks)

Question Three
i. Distinguish between "arising out of employment" and "in the course of employment" as found in the workman’s compensation Act Cap 256.
(5 Marks)

ii. Explain the circumstances under which an employer is NOT liable to pay an employee. (5 Marks)

i. explain the principles that apply when an employee is made redundant under the regulation of wages and conditions of employment Act Cap 229.
(5 Marks)

ii. Explain the circumstances under which an employee would be given leave with full pay as stipulated by the employment Act Cap 226. (5 Marks)

Question Four
The design of the compensation system needs to take into account the cultural and fit with the firm’s strategic objectives. Briefly discuss how the firm’s culture could influence its compensation system. (20 Marks)

Question Five
Briefly examine five examples of non- financial rewards that an organization could use to motivate its employees.
(10 Marks)

Compare and contrast simple classifications method and point rating method as tools of setting remuneration system.
(10 Marks)

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