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Employee Resourcing(Hrmg 541)  Question Paper

Employee Resourcing(Hrmg 541)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer Question ONE and any Other THREE Questions
Question One
Mr. Karanja the Managing Director of Apex limited, has a problem. No matter how much he tells his employees how to do their jobs, they invariably "decide to do it their way", as he puts it, and arguments ensue between Peter, the employee, and the employee`s supervisor. One example is the door-design departments, where the designers are expected to work with architects to design doors that meet the specifications. While it is not "rocket science," as Peter puts it, the designers invariably makes mistake, such as designing in too much steel, a problem that can cost Apex tens of thousands of wasted shillings, once you consider the number of doors in say 30-story officer tower.
The door processing department is another example Peter has a very specific and detailed way he wants the order written up, but most of the order clerks don`t understand how to actually use the multipage order form. They simply improvise when it comes to a detailed question such as whether to classify the customer as "industrial or commercial".
The current training process is a follows none of the jobs has a training manual as such, although several have somewhat out-of-date descriptions. The training for new people is all on the job. Usually the person leaving the company trains the new person during one or two weeks over-lap period, but if there`s no overlap, the new person trained as well as possible by other employees who have filled in occasionally on the job in the past. The training is basically the same throughout the company, for machinists, secretaries,
assemblers, engineers, and accouting clerks, for example.
a) i) What do you think of Apex`s training process? (5marks)
ii) Could it help to explain why employees "do things their ways" Explain.
iii) What role should job descriptions play in training at Apex? (5marks)
iv) Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex? Give suggestions. (5marks)

b) How is training and development related to employee resourcing?

Question Two
a) Human Resource is said to aid accomplishment of organizational objectives. However it is not without limitation. Discuss the limitation of Human Resource planning and give a general remedy to the limitations.

b) Discuss THREE tools of forecasting demand of Human Resource of an Organization. (15marks)

Question Three
a) Selection procedure consists of a series of steps or a series of successive hindles/barriers which an applicant must cross. One such step is selection tests. Clearly explain the precautions in using selection tests.

b) Assume that a recruiting officer has come for advice from you on how to make interviews more effective what would you tell him to do? (10marks)

Question Four
a) In recent years interest in human resource planning has increased. Why is that so? (10marks)

b) Discuss the importance of proper introduction/orientation of newly recruited employees, with particular interest to Kenya. (15marks)

Question Five
Describe the thrust of "management by objectives" (MBO) in HRM. Why has this management tool been replaced by other tools in recent years? (25marks)

Question Six
Describe FIVE conditions for establishment of good employee relations by the stakeholders on organizations. (25marks)

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