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Personnel Career Development(Hrmg 031) Question Paper

Personnel Career Development(Hrmg 031) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Section A is compulsory
Answer any TWO questions form section B.
Question One
Briefly define the following terms as used in career development. (10mks)
Career planning
Career development
Career path
Career management
Career Anchors
Describe the career development stages.
The success of a career should be measured along several dimensions. Explain five of these dimensions.

Question Two
Several factors account for the growing interest in career management. Explain five of these factors.
Highlight five measures to take to ensure successful career planning.

Question Three
Briefly explain five benefits of career development.
Explain five factors leading to contemporary view of career development.

Question Four
Briefly explain career management considerations when making initial job assignments.
Retirement may require a major adjustment for many people. Explain five common emotional adjustments faced by retirees.

Question Five
Researchers have indicated that certain attitudes formed early in life guide people throughout their career. They "anchor" an individual to one or a few related types of careers. Explain five such anchors.
Explain at least five career development actions by the organization.

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