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Training And Development B(Hrmg 032) Question Paper

Training And Development B(Hrmg 032) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.
Question One
Differentiate clearly between training, education and development.(6mks)
Outline four types of training offered by organization.
For training to be effective it should pass through a system process. Explain clearly these steps or processes.
Explain any four ways of evaluating outcome of a training programmed.

Question Two
Employees get to work with some skills already learned. At one time a need for retraining arises. Explain any five reasons for retraining.
Managers need undergo executive development. What are the possible objectives for executive development?

Question Three
Understudy is a good method of executive development. Discuss showing both its advantages and disadvantages. (20mks)

Question Four
Your organization’s management argues that training is both expensive and time consuming for the organization at the expense of production. Advise them.
Outline the process of executive development.

Question Five
Write short notes on
Role playing
Management games
In-basket exercise
Coaching as a method of training has advantage and disadvantages. Clearly explain these advantages and disadvantages.

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