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Employee Resourcing B(Hrmg 036) Question Paper

Employee Resourcing B(Hrmg 036) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Define the term recruitment and explain the merits of external candidates.
(10 marks)

Explain how human resource planning may help in achieving the organization’s goals.
(10 Marks)

Employees may opt to leave the organization willingly or they could be dismissed by employer. Highlight the circumstances under which dismissal would be termed as legal.
(10 Marks)

Question Two
Define human resource planning and describe the process to be followed when carrying out the human resource planning activity.
(10 Marks)
Define employee selection and explain steps to be followed in a typical selection interview.

Question Three
Define job analysis.
(2 Marks)

What is the significance of job analysis?
(8 Marks)

Discuss the contents of a job description.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Routine strategies should be based on an understanding of the factors that affect whether or not employees leave or stay. Explain those factors.
(10 Marks)

With an aid of a diagram, explain the recruitment process.
(10 Marks)

Question Five
Highlight the consequences of not inducting a new employee in his/her new work environment.
(10 Marks)

Explain the significance of labor turnover analysis to an organization.
(10 Marks)

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