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Employee Relations B(Hrmg 335)  Question Paper

Employee Relations B(Hrmg 335)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question ONE and any other TWO.
Question one
Briefly discuss how mediation and arbitration are used in resolving disputes in the industry or organization.
A conclusion was made during a Human Resource Management seminar where one of the presenters concluded with a statement that was hotly debated by the participants. The statement was "it is a matter of time trade unions in Kenya will be almost irrelevant to the labour force. Do you agree on disagree with this statement. Justify your opinion.

Question Two
The employment relationship is not just an economic contract" in light of this statement, discuss the various conditions that are necessary for a conducive industrial relations in a modern work environment. (10mks)
Write shorts notes on the following
Outline the signs of potential grievance.

Question Three
Briefly discuss the role of industrial court in employee relations. (6mks)
Discuss industrial action likely to take place
If in negotiations, the union wishes to put pressure on management, the sanctions at its disposal.
Employer’s response to strike.
Using relevant examples, demonstrate your understanding of the tripartite approach to employee relations.

Question Four
Modern management advocates for participative management, citing the demands of knowledge workers who constitute a high proportion of the workforce. In light of this
Discuss the importance of participative management in employee relations.
Describe four ways organizations practice participative management. (6mks)
Discuss in detail the limitations of participative management.

Question Five
Explain the role of trade union movement in Kenya.
Discuss the various principles to effective communication on an organization.
Explain the importance of a formal grievance procedure.

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