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Cross Cultural And Diversity Management(Hrmg 433) Question Paper

Cross Cultural And Diversity Management(Hrmg 433) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer questions ONE and TWO other questions.
Question One
State the meanings of the following concepts in relations to cross-cultural and work place diversity management.
Adaptability screening
Reverse discrimination
Ethnocentric attitudes
Mobility premiums
Off sharing
Outline five desirable extra-cultural factors necessary for an international assignees success.
In relation to equal employment opportunity, state clearly five potentially discriminatory employment practices to avoid in the domain of recruitment and selection.
State five manifestations which if prevalent in an organization is indicative of sexual harassment.
Outline clearly five reasons why employers rely more on local managers to fill foreign subsidiary management ranks.

Question Two
Clearly outline the prevalent cultural and managerial features that feature prominently in Japanese firms as illustrated in Ouchi’s theory Z. (20mks)

Question Three
Clearly define the term equal employment opportunity (EED) policy indicating clearly recommended guidelines which if adopted would enhance the policy of equal opportunity.
Illustrate clearly the process of counseling a stressed employee indicating the main stages to be undergone by the counselor and counselee during a counseling interview.

Question Four
Illustrate clearly the seven ’C’s that characterize international HR practice.
The number women managers taking up position in foreign countries is remarkably low. Explain the reasons that may explain this phenomenon and recommend possible situations.

Question Five
Diversity management focuses on managing the difference within a corporate workforce capitalizing on the benefits of diversity and minimizing workforce challenges. In line with this discuss clearly the practiced steps in managing diversity in the workplace.
Explain the reasons why employees in an organization may resist change in today dynamic organizations.

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