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Training And Development(Hrmg 032)  Question Paper

Training And Development(Hrmg 032)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and Any Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Define the following terms: (8marks)
i) Training
ii) Development
iii) Education
iv) Learning.
b) State and explain FOUR objectives of training and development in an Organization. (12marks)
c) Training policy is a requirement that every organization must have. Discuss what is entailed in a training policy. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Explain in details the advantages and disadvantages of off-the-job
training technique. (10marks)
b) Discuss the benefits of training and development of employees in an
Organization. (10marks)

Question Three
a) In most organization evaluation after training is often ignored. Explain
why evaluation is important in training. (10marks)
b) There are several methods of data collection available for evaluators.
Explain the most important of them. (10marks)

Question Four
a) Role playing is a method of training which has merits and demerits. Clearly discuss these merits and demerits. (10marks)
b) State and explain FIVE methods that are used in management development. (10marks)

Question Five
a) Explain any FIVE goals of career development. (10marks)
b) Discuss the factors that hinder career development. (10marks)

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