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Training And Development B(Hrmg 032) Question Paper

Training And Development B(Hrmg 032) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Section A Compulsory and ANY TWO Questions from Section B.
Question One
a) i) Define the term "learning".
ii) When can learning be said to have occurred? (8marks)

b) Highlight SIX adult learning principles, match each principle with an
appropriate training skill. (12marks)

c) Clearly outline the ingredients of a good training programme. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Define the terms:-
i) job rotation
ii) action learning
iii) case study method
iv) management game,
v) behavior modeling. (10marks)

b) Explain FIVE benefits an organization may reap from properly designed and implemented career planning. (10marks)

Question Three
a) What are organization development (OD) interventions, state and explain
i) Two OD intervention activities that seek to change behavior.
ii) One (1) OD intervention activity that seek to change structures.
iii) One (1) OD intervention activity that seek to aid problem-
identification and analysis. (10marks)

b) Of what benefit is training to :-
i) "Investors in people"
ii) The individual employees. (10marks)

Question Four
a) i) What is "On-the-Job Training (OJT)?
ii) Outline FOUR steps that ensure OJT success. (10marks)

b) Point out FIVE ways through which a trainer can engage adult
participants in a training session. (10marks)

Question Five
a) Highlight the characteristics of executive development. (10marks)

b) i) Define succession planning
ii) Enumerate the steps in succession planning process. (10marks)

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