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Labour Laws (Hrmg 430)  Question Paper

Labour Laws (Hrmg 430)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer any three questions
Question One
Differentiate the following terms that are prominently used in industrial relations.
Labour Turn Over and Disengagement
Retirement and Retrenchment
Mission and Vision
Employees Association and a Trade Union
Industrial Court and National Labour Board.
(20 marks)

Question Two
You have been posted to a newly started Education Institution. This institution was developed by the Government of Kenya in a remote region. The Board of Governors were mandated to recruit the teaching as well as the support staff. As an administrator in this new institution
Explain how you will ensure that there is harmony in the institution
Describe how you will guide the staff to create and register an active trade union.
(20 marks)

Question Three
Discuss the objectives of the Central Organization of Trade Union (COTU) in Kenya and the benefits of the union to both employers and employees. (20 marks)

Question Four
In Kenya, we have witnessed about workers unrests such as the Doctors, Nurses and Teachers strikes among many others. As an expert who is conversant with the labour laws and industrial relations
Explain he root causes of these unrests
Briefly highlight how the unrests can be addressed by the Government.
(20 marks)

Question Five
Describe why there was need to establish international labour organization (ILO)
Highlight briefly the functions of ILO
(20 marks)

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