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Human Resource Management(Hrmg 220) Question Paper

Human Resource Management(Hrmg 220) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Question one is compulsory. Answer any other two questions.
Question One
As a new HR manager in Tabibu Co. Ltd, you open your docket with 20 different cases for workers that you realize have remained unresolved for the past 3 weeks, you also notice that workers are learning the organization too fast and therefore need to be replaced, the trade union is also quite strong such that its questioning almost all mover/actions by the management even ones that you think are trivial, while the rate of accidents at the places of work is said to be on rise. As a HR management specialist, advice the management by answering the following questions:
What are the main causes of accidents in an organization? (6mks)
What is the role of a trade union in an organization?
What the procedure of handling grievances.
What are the main do’s and don’ts in grievances handling process. (6mks)
What are the main causes of labour turn over in organizations?

Question Two
Define the term human resource and discuss the main characteristics of human resource management.
Human resource management department is very vital to any organization. Discuss this statement bringing out the major duties of a human resource manager.

Question Three
Distinguish the following terms:
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Job design and job analysis.
Personnel manager and human resource manager.
Recruitment and selection.
Job description and job specification.

Question Four
Differentiate between human resource training from human resource development bringing out the importance of human resource development.
As a new human resource manager of ABC Co. Ltd. You have noted that a cross-section of the workers in that organization needs training in order to improve in their performance. Give and explain any five training methods you may employ to meet this need.

Question Five
Discuss any five techniques that you can use in job analysis. (10mks)
Explain what it means by human resource planning and discuss any four common techniques used in human resource planning.

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