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Personnel Career Development(Hrmg 031)  Question Paper

Personnel Career Development(Hrmg 031)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Briefly explain the following terms as used in personnel career development.
Career planning.
Career management.
Career development
Career path
Succession planning.
Explain the dimension along which the success of a career should be measured.
"Several factors account for the growing interest in career development" Explain these factors.

Question Two
Career development can be depicted as a progression through a series of stages. Explain the stages based on the traditional model of career development.
If properly designed and implemented, career planning benefits both management and the employees, explain some of these benefits. (10mks)

Question Three
"The process of career planning involves a number of activities or steps to be taken" explain this statement.
Briefly explain the importance of career development to a growing origination.

Question Four
Individuals face a number of decisions in managing their career. Explain any six career management activities in response to these decisions.
Explain the important factors that affect a person’s work values, attitudes, choice of work and choice of ocean potion.

Question Five
Write short notes on the following
Dual career path.
Careers and family issues.
Moonlighting as a career strategy.
Protean career.
Levinson’s "evas" approach to adult development.

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