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Human Resource Management (Hrmg 220)  Question Paper

Human Resource Management (Hrmg 220)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Outline six factors that may account for the success of a job evaluation scheme.
Outline five reasons that may be attributed to poor industrial relations in Kenya.
You have been requested to develop a training policy for your organization. Outline six issues that a training policy should contain.
Outline four reasons why it is important for an organization to undertake Human Resource Planning.
Outline five benefits that an organization may derive from instituting disciplinary measures in an organization.

Question Two
Kusoma Limited has a surplus of workers in the production department and a shortage of workers in marketing. As a consultant. Advice management on the action to take.
Briefly discuss the various factors that affect salary and wage levels in the Kenyan labour market.

Question Three
Differentiate between job description and job specification.
Explain four factors that determine the choice of the training and development methods in a given training programme.
Define performance appraisal and outline why it is important to an origination.

Question Four
You are the Human Resource Manager in Zawadi Limited critically discuss the complete selection process of an appropriate candidate.
For collective bargaining to be successful, there are some requirements that ourght to be fulfilled point out five such requirements.

Question Five
Explain the three step approaches which may be adopted to identify the training needs of any organization according to McGnee and Thayer.
Highlight and briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of training in an organsiation of your choice.

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