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Training And Development(Hrmg 330)  Question Paper

Training And Development(Hrmg 330)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions. Question one carries 30 marks and the rest 20 marks each.
Question One
What role does training and development play in achieving human resource needs of an organization.
Outline the approaches to
Employee training.
Management development

Question Two
What are the reasons for emphazing the growth and development of Human Resource?
What is the relationship between job analyses and employee training and development?

Question Three
Distinguish between
How is training a source of competitive advantage.
What is the role of performance management in training.

Question Four
Career planning and development is one of the strategies for utilization, improvement and retention of human resource in an organization. In relation to this statement discuss other responsibilities of the employee, manager and organization in career development.
Explain the objectives of career planning and development.
Using examples, explain what is meant by career plateau.

Question Five
Discuss the various limitations on training.
Training is a process. Discuss the five steps undertaken in the process of training. Illustrate using a diagram.
Outline factors that determine the learning aids used by the different instructor.

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