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Performance And Reward Management(Hrmg 331)  Question Paper

Performance And Reward Management(Hrmg 331)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Instructions: Answer question one and any two other.
Question One
Describe the meaning and purpose of performance and reward management.
Discuss five objectives of performance appraisal system.
Performance and reward are like the two sides of the coin. Discuss this statement
Describe the merits and demerits of trait appraisal techniques as an instrument of performance appraisal.
Discuss the strategic purpose of payment form the employers and employees point of view.
With your own words discuss the meaning of compensation management.

Question Two
Discuss with suitable illustration the components of total compensation.
A strategic compensation system must have the element of both internal and external equity. Discuss this statement.

Question Three
Compare and contrast output payment services and group incentives schemes" as tool of compensation programmes. (20mks)

Question Four
Describe five factors that influence the pricing lay organization. (20mks)

Question Five
Describe four non-financial incentives that are commonly used by firms organization to motivate performance employees. (20mks)

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