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Employee Relations(Hrmg 543)  Question Paper

Employee Relations(Hrmg 543)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question one and any other three questions. All questions carry equal marks
Question One
Northeast call centres have formalized their family friendly working policy and publicized it through an updated company handbook. Part of this new policy are the company’s arrangement for parental leave (one month is to be paid) and the process for requesting flexible working hours. So far there have been only to request for parental leave and none for flexible working since the new handbook was issued. This is much lower than anticipated for a large organization with a predominantly female workforce.
The company’s HR Director is concerned as high turnover and absence rates have led to a plethora of initiatives to promote the progressive nature of the company’s family-friendly employment practices, yet there is little taking place to promote these.
This lack of promotion has been a conscious decision by the director because of concerns from operational management about unfairness to staff with no small children and how an excess of demand could be met. Yet this lack of activity sits uneasily with the promotion of the company as an ’employer of choice’ in all its publicity.
What actions if any could the HR director take? Explain your answer.
(10 marks)
Identify the respective responsibilities of line managers, the HR function, the trade unions and individuals for ensuring that one family-friendly arrangement are known to and used by employees.
(15 marks)

Question Two
Organizations have been improving the employment relationship consistently by developing positive psychological contracts. Discuss the key elements that can be used to improve psychological contracts and thus enhance employee productivity. (25 Marks)

Question Three
Employment regulation aims to provide a framework of minimum rights and rules. These may provide for internal and external regulation, contain substantive or procedural rules. The guidelines for employment relationship may be referred to in our labour laws. With the knowledge you have acquired in employee relations studies, briefly discuss the five labour laws in relation to our current Kenya constitution. (25 Marks)

Question Four
Bargaining power is inherent in any situation where differences have to be reconciled. It is, however not an end in itself and negotiations must not rely solely on bargaining power. One side may have enormous bargaining power, but to use it to the point where the other side feels that it is impossible to deal with such a party is to defeat the purpose of negotiations. In line to this statement explain the features that are desirable for a successfully grievance procedure.
(16 marks)
Good industrial relations depend on a great variety of factors. Discus some of these factors in relation to employee relations.
(9 Marks)

Question Five
You have been invited by the managing director of your organization as an HR to address your organization on the following: "obtaining added value from good employee relations." Prepare an outline of your talk.
(15 Marks)
Explain the economic impact of industrial disputes on different parties involved in employee relations.
(10 Marks)

Question Six
Well-being at work exists when people are happy with their lot – what they do, how they are treated, how they get on with others. The wellbeing of employees depend on are quality of working life provided by their employees – the feelings of satisfaction and happiness arising from the work itself and the work environment. The work environment consists of the systems of work the design of jobs, working conditions and the ways in which people are treated at work by their managers and co-workers. In relation to this statement, discuss the major factors that you would take into consideration when dealing and ensuring the existence of well-being of employees in an organization. (25 Marks)

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